For 91 Days in Sri Lanka – The E-Book

We’ve gathered together all of the articles and over 250 photographs from our three-month adventure in Sri Lanka into an E-Book for your Kindle or E-Reader. Carry all of our Sri Lankan experiences along with you in this portable format. The book includes a comprehensive index, which makes navigation a cinch, and features all our anecdotes, advice and the best full-color images from our months in Sri Lanka. We had an unforgettable time in this beautiful and occasionally frustrating island nation, and hope our experiences can help enrich your own visit there.

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For just a few bucks, you can download your own copy of the book for use on your e-reader or computer, giving you access to our blog posts wherever you are, without having to connect to the internet. And, buying the e-book is a great way to support our project… take a look at some sample pages from the PDF.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Sameera Samarakkody

    Dear Mick,Reading through your articles covering your travels in Sri Lanka, I, being a Sri Lankan, was amazed at how much more we have to experience in our own country. The way you describe your experiences in my country, most of which seems very pleasant makes us proud. Thank you..! 

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